History Of Rock Music Indonesia
Embryo born underground rock music scene in Indonesia is difficult released from the evolution of pioneer rocker rocker-70s-era as his predecessor. Call it like God Bless, Gang Pegangsaan, Gypsy (Jakarta), Giant Step, Super Kid (Bandung), Terncem (Solo), AKA / SAS (Surabaya), Bentoel (Malang) until Rawe Rontek from Banten. They are the first generation of rockers Indonesia. The term itself actually underground magazine has been used since the early era Aktuil 70 - an. The term is used magazines and music pioneer lifestyles from Bandung was to identify the bands that played loud music with a style that is more `wild 'and` extreme' for the size of his era. And to be honest, the songs played by the bands mentioned above are not the work of their own songs, but bands of foreign kinds Deep Purple, Jefferson Airplane, Black Sabbath, Genesis, Led Zeppelin, Kansas, Rolling Stones to ELP . This counterproductive tradition and history his name had fragrant on the national stage. Call it like El Pamas, Grass Rock (Malang), Power Metal (Surabaya), Adi Metal Rock (Solo), Val Halla (Medan) to Roxx (Jakarta). Also log too, who gave birth to the birth of the label's first rock record in Indonesia, Logiss Records. The first product is an album labels God Bless the third, "Black Ants" was released in 1988 and sold up to 400,000 records in Indonesia.
Toward the end of the 80s era, the whole world at that time a young child is experiencing fever thrash metal music. A development of musical style that is more extreme metal more than heavy metal. Bands who became his gods include Slayer, Metallica, Exodus, Megadeth, Kreator, Sodom, Anthrax to Sepultura. Most big cities in Indonesia like Jakarta, Bandung, Jogjakarta, Surabaya, Malang to Bali, scene undergroundnya first born of the extreme music genre. In Jakarta alone metal community first appeared in public in early 1988. Community child metal (the term was not yet popular underground) was used to hang out at the Pid Pub, a small pub in the shopping area Pondok Indah, South Jakarta. According to Krisna J. Sadrach, frontman Sucker Head, other than hanging out, kids who hang out there by Aunt Esther, Pid Pub owner, given the opportunity to get a gig there. Every Saturday night there is usually always a live show of the new bands in the Pid Pub and most bands that carry the rock or metal music.
Bands that often hang out at the scene Pid Pub, among others Roxx (Metallica & Anthrax), Sucker Head (Kreator & Sepultura), commotion Of Resources (Exodus), Painfull Death, Rotor (Kreator), Razzle (GN'R) , husky (DRI & MOD), body, until the Alien Scream Mortus (Obituary). Some bands on the next trip much splitting into new bands. Commotion Of Resources is the embryo of sap gothic metal band, while the rough is the embryo death metal band Alien Scream lawas. In addition Oddie, Painfull Death vocalist then formed Sic Mynded industrial group in the United States with Rudi Soedjarwo (director Ada Apa Dengan Cinta?). The rotor itself was formed in 1992 after guitarist cabutnya Sucker Head, Irvan Sembiring who felt the concept of Head Sucker music was still less extreme for him.
Toward the end of the 80s era, the whole world at that time a young child is experiencing fever thrash metal music. A development of musical style that is more extreme metal more than heavy metal. Bands who became his gods include Slayer, Metallica, Exodus, Megadeth, Kreator, Sodom, Anthrax to Sepultura. Most big cities in Indonesia like Jakarta, Bandung, Jogjakarta, Surabaya, Malang to Bali, scene undergroundnya first born of the extreme music genre. In Jakarta alone metal community first appeared in public in early 1988. Community child metal (the term was not yet popular underground) was used to hang out at the Pid Pub, a small pub in the shopping area Pondok Indah, South Jakarta. According to Krisna J. Sadrach, frontman Sucker Head, other than hanging out, kids who hang out there by Aunt Esther, Pid Pub owner, given the opportunity to get a gig there. Every Saturday night there is usually always a live show of the new bands in the Pid Pub and most bands that carry the rock or metal music.
Bands that often hang out at the scene Pid Pub, among others Roxx (Metallica & Anthrax), Sucker Head (Kreator & Sepultura), commotion Of Resources (Exodus), Painfull Death, Rotor (Kreator), Razzle (GN'R) , husky (DRI & MOD), body, until the Alien Scream Mortus (Obituary). Some bands on the next trip much splitting into new bands. Commotion Of Resources is the embryo of sap gothic metal band, while the rough is the embryo death metal band Alien Scream lawas. In addition Oddie, Painfull Death vocalist then formed Sic Mynded industrial group in the United States with Rudi Soedjarwo (director Ada Apa Dengan Cinta?). The rotor itself was formed in 1992 after guitarist cabutnya Sucker Head, Irvan Sembiring who felt the concept of Head Sucker music was still less extreme for him.
What happened to Pid Pub? Where are Esther and Teno? I have been looking for 20 years!
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